
I am the hope

I'm not joking. If i stop blaming all bad happening in world come from GOOD AND EVIL DUALISM= TWO SIDES OF THE SAME COIN THEORY. Then nobody can say what is right. That means gigantic zero conscious will pull the black hole or the other way around. 


If there is real jesus

Please show us your power to help american economy. please  don't let damege american economy by false jesus.






FATHER, you are not a master of your children and your children  are not your slaves. Do not commit incest with your daughters and your sons. Do not touch all of children sexually  and don*t have sex with them. If you can*t control your wrongfully sexual desire to all of children, go to good counselor and please fix it. FATHER, please make us respect you and like you.





Stop harassing my almost whole my life

Since i was 16 years old, it started harassing me by cult named souka gattkai. Then same root of evil named isehakusando found me as a seoritsuhime. It was 2008. My life is in his hell as well as yours. You may not feel this world is hell. But it is hell. Because you harassing me from his obey. He is a famous ghost writer in japan. he is the roots of evil named okuninushi=shiva=false jesus.he is not a god. He uses evil power and he is a phycopath. I never forgive this fuck till his compensation to me.


Dumb, stupid morons

Stop harassing  and do not come near me. You are disgust . If you believe lowest devil power. Do not come near me. All harassing powers come from devil , NOT GOD. If you believe that, you will go to devil,s place after your death. Why do not understand?  My suggestion  to you, Believe almighry GOD. I hope all of my words (my blog)meet your heart.